Wellness, the first step. Some IA knowledge

Hello, I’m researching in the topic of IA (Artificial Intelligence), here is a extract of my first try at https://beta.openai.com/ (GPT-3)

There is a very good Spanish introduction video in:

Human Prompt: create a text that explain the difference between wellness and happiness

This following content was generated by the model txt-davinci-003:

Wellness and happiness are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Wellness is about physical and mental health, and encompasses aspects of lifestyle such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and healthy relationships. Happiness is an emotion and is a state of contentment or joy experienced by an individual. Wellness can lead to happiness, but they are two distinct concepts. Wellness is about making healthy lifestyle choices to maintain physical and mental health, while happiness is a feeling of pleasure or contentment that can be experienced through various activities.

This days I’m going to read a book called ¿cómo pisensan las máquinas?, author Fredi Vivas.

If you want to listen a podcast with an interview with the author, I recommend you this:https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QXlt20uppR4PIe7gEWzBF?si=81e99c582b8d41da

I will develop foward in time the topic of welleness, but for now I can say that is a fundamental aspect of life, one can be happy without wellness (in some aspect of your life and without severe problems) but for have happiness in the long term and retroalimenting the internal factors to obtain there is always be neccesary to have physical and mental wellness. I need to investigate the need of spiritual wellness. If the hardware (your body) and sofware (your mind) are fuction well is more easy to enjoy the simple life. Life is not has to be easy, we have to learn to react and asign a more o less important significance to events. Always depends of the perspective we look to the world an the events of life.

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