An introduction to pleasure, Sex and Well-being. Some extracts from Netflix and ChatGPT

This post is the combination from the act of extracting subs from the episode 2 and of the dialogue with the AI ChatGPT. I recommend the miniseries If you are interested in the subject. This is very interesting and the episodes share very important knowledge and the perspective of women and other genders.

From The Principles of Pleasure episode 2:

“We live in a patriarchal society, you get kind of mixed messages of, like, it’s okay to be sexy but not too sexy.

We’re not allowed to really exist for our own pleasure.

Welcome to Central Command: your mind.

It’s your body’s most important gateway to sexual pleasure.

When it comes to pleasure and eroticism, I think that my brain is the most important tool.

Pleasure happens in your brain.

The mind-body connection is critical to sexual desire.

Desire really relies on a brain-body connection.

The mind-body connection is vital to our well-being.

It’s also a critical part of our journey to realizing our own pleasure, in our bodies and with others.

Pleasure is your brain rewarding you for doing something that helped to lead to survival or reproduction.

Our brain is actually wired in a way where things that we find pleasurable are things that over evolutionary time have created meaning in our lives.

sexual desire is something that is malleable and adaptable over the course of one’s life.

It’s not fixed.

None of us are born with a set level of a capacity for sexual pleasure, sexual desire.

Through experience and through practice, it’s something that can evolve over time.

Men are more likely to be visual and women are more likely to be story-oriented.

Eroticism is a way of thinking.

Sex and mindfulness meet in the middle.

Learning about how your hormones work can also help with maximizing overall wellness and our mind-body connection.

Hormones are trying to, in part, get the organism to pass on its genetic material, and it kind of hijacks the brain to make us seek out pleasure.

We produce dozens of hormones, ordering around our organs and tissues, telling them how to run smoothly.

Hormones do things like regulating our appetite, experiencing stress, decreasing our feelings of stress, how thirsty we are, how tired we are, how awake we are, falling in love, having babies.

Men’s levels of testosterone change in response to the time of day, whether or not they have a romantic partner, children, whether or not their favorite sports team has recently won or lost, whether their favorite political candidate has recently won or lost, and even whether or not they’ve recently been exposed to a gun.

We all have hormones and they deeply impact how we feel and what we physically experience.

The ovulatory cycle lasts 28 days, and yes, it’s really about ovulating.

First, the follicular phase is when estrogen says, “Fertilize that egg, honey!”

So it tends to make you feel more energetic.

You actually eat less and move more during this half in your cycle.

Then we’ve got the second half, the luteal phase, and suddenly it’s progesterone’s turn.

It actually makes us sleepier and hungrier.

And while progesterone stimulates some of us to feel relaxed, the hormonal spike that comes during the luteal period makes some of us feel, crappy.

It’s important to remember that women do not have a monopoly on being hormonal.

The road to wellness starts with self-love.

Accepting your body takes practice. A lot of practice.

The further you get from that standard, the less permission you have to access pleasure.

Confidence is knowing what is true about your body, your sexuality, about the way your brain works, about the culture that you live in.

And joy is loving what is true, even if it’s not what you were taught should be true.

Even if it’s not what you wish were true about your body and your mind and your sexuality and the culture that you live in, joy is the hard part.

The only real source of knowledge is your internal experience.

Pleasure is not a “nice to have. It’s a need to have.

Human Question: What is the conection between principles of pleasure, sex and well-being?

ChatGPT answer:

The principles of pleasure, sex, and well-being are interconnected in several ways. Pleasure is a fundamental aspect of human well-being and is closely related to our physical and emotional needs. Sexual pleasure is one of the many ways in which individuals can experience pleasure, and it can have a significant impact on overall well-being.

Research suggests that engaging in sexual activity can have positive effects on physical and mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, boosting self-esteem, and promoting feelings of closeness and intimacy. Sexual pleasure can also release endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters.

Furthermore, the principles of pleasure and well-being are linked to the concept of self-care. Engaging in activities that bring pleasure, such as sex, can be a form of self-care that promotes overall well-being.

However, it is important to note that the connection between pleasure, sex, and well-being is complex and can vary from person to person. While sexual pleasure can be beneficial for some individuals, it may not be the case for everyone. Factors such as individual preferences, cultural and societal norms, and health conditions can all impact the relationship between pleasure, sex, and well-being.

Human question: How the mind relate to the topic. Does the pleasure happens in the mind?

ChatGPT answer:

The mind plays a crucial role in the experience of pleasure, including sexual pleasure. Pleasure is a subjective experience that is processed and interpreted by the brain. Therefore, pleasure is not just a physical sensation but also involves cognitive and emotional processes.

In the case of sexual pleasure, the mind plays a significant role in the experience. Sexual desire and arousal are largely controlled by the brain, which activates certain areas of the brain associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. These areas of the brain release neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which are associated with feelings of pleasure and reward.

Furthermore, the mind can also influence sexual pleasure through psychological factors such as mood, emotions, and thoughts. For example, anxiety or stress can decrease sexual pleasure, while positive emotions such as excitement and anticipation can enhance it. The mind can also play a role in the perception of sexual pleasure, as individuals may have different preferences and experiences related to sexual activity.

In summary, the mind is closely related to the experience of pleasure, including sexual pleasure. The brain processes and interprets pleasure, and psychological factors can influence the experience of pleasure. Therefore, it is important to consider both physical and psychological factors when exploring the relationship between pleasure, sex, and well-being.

Human prompt: Describe me the mind-body connection about pleasure.

Mind and body work together to create the experience of pleasure. When we experience pleasure, such as sexual pleasure, it involves both physical and psychological aspects. The physical aspects of pleasure include sensory stimulation, such as touch or smell, that activate the body’s pleasure centers. These physical sensations are processed by the brain and interpreted as pleasurable experiences.

The psychological aspects of pleasure are closely connected to the mind-body connection. Our thoughts, emotions, and mood can significantly influence our experience of pleasure. For example, feelings of relaxation, intimacy, and excitement can enhance the experience of sexual pleasure, while feelings of anxiety, shame, or guilt can decrease it.

Additionally, the mind-body connection can work both ways, as the body can also influence the mind. Physical sensations and bodily changes that occur during sexual pleasure, such as increased heart rate and respiration, can impact our emotional state and mood.

Overall, the mind-body connection is a critical aspect of the experience of pleasure, including sexual pleasure. The interplay between physical sensations, cognitive processes, and emotional experiences work together to create the subjective experience of pleasure. Understanding and exploring this connection can be important for promoting overall well-being and enhancing the experience of pleasure.

Thanks for reading.

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