Sometimes we have the wrong (erroneous) reasons to pursue something that tells us that we want it, but we really don’t know if that desire contains or is in line with our values and principles.
It is not a matter of wrong questions. The mistake is in believing that one is sure of something, in believing that it will satisfy you, in not taking a more critical approach, in not being aware that we are moving in a context of uncertainty, in not continuing to investigate whether there is another cause for which you are attracted by desire.
My reasons are personal, my unconscious doesn’t let me see clearly, my desires don’t always win the emotional battle. It is necessary to contrast and reflect, be critical of oneself, assess from the perspective of another with one foot in a moment that is not ephemeral. I must create my options and weigh them in the light of its reflection, since behind its shadow the cognitive traps that are so like popular knowledge may be locked up. There is a time to judge the reasons and ideas and moments to evaluate the actions, all in a cycle that should bring us closer to a version of our reality.
Gone are the days when you must let the world take its course, set the course, move between the lines, strengthen yourself with energy, shine for others and open paths that boost your contribution to society.
Satisfy yourself with the attempts and the experience, feel the scenario where you have been involved. Find that someone or the cause for which you can play your time.